Why Might You Need Rebecca Hamilton In Your Writing Life?

Once upon a time, a brand-spanking-new writer named Chelsea jumped head-first into writing books. She didn’t have a plan. She had no idea what she was doing, as a matter of fact. Worst of all, she thought that just cranking out the words would magically lead to success. I’d like to tell you it worked out well for her, but the fact of the matter is that it didn’t.

The truth is that it worked out horribly. I spent thousands of dollars and hours on things that didn’t actually help me in any way. I was actually pretty skeptical about Rebecca when I first came across her services on Facebook. I was so jaded (not to mention the fact that I was utterly broke) that I didn’t believe there was any way in HELL that her courses and services could turn my life around in the way that some of her clients claimed they did.

Then I saw actual screenshots of the income difference she made for some of the authors she worked with. I was already several thousand dollars in debt at the time, and in my usual, impulsive (classically ADHD) fashion, I made a snap decision to give her a chance. It was, without question, the best choice I ever made for my writing career.

She saw how I was struggling and helped me start a business as an author service provider to get me the funding I needed to next-level my writing career with her courses and services. Yes, you read that correctly. A New York Times bestselling author saw me struggling and helped me start a business to support my writing career. She didn’t have to do that, but I’m insanely glad that she did.

She is constantly finding ways to help the indie writing community out, even when it doesn’t offer mutual benefits for her. She has helped hundreds of authors next-level their careers, and even has some completely free resources to help you get started.

I really can’t say enough about how wonderful Rebecca is, both as a person and as a service provider for authors! She has several Facebook groups and a couple of websites. All I can tell you is join everything! You never know when or where she’s going to post some kind of incredible opportunity, service, course, or insanely good deal on any of the above! There’s a reason I’ve listed her at number one, guys. If you don’t read another section in this book, I honestly feel like this section alone is worth its weight in gold, as far as value for your money is concerned.

I have personally taken several of her courses, and I’m currently in a 1-on-1 mentorship course with her. I can tell you from experience that her courses are worth every penny spent on them. As a matter of fact, I think she should charge way more than she does for the amount of actionable information she gives you. Another thing I love is the lack of fluff you get when you deal with Rebecca. She gets down to business without dragging things out.

Here’s a quick rundown of all the courses I have taken, or that I’m currently taking, with Rebecca Hamilton and OTOH, Books/Author Grow:

That’s a lot of courses, right? For my thoughts on the ones I got the absolute most value out of, see the subsequent short chapters in this section dedicated to them. There’s a reason I take everything Rebecca offers the SECOND I can afford to take it. I’m serious about my career as an indie author. Everything she teaches is fluff-free, straight to the point, and 100% actionable information that you can put to work immediately. Take her courses. They’ll change (SAVE, if you’re anything like me) your writing life. Her courses currently range from FREE – $800+.

2 thoughts on “Why Might You Need Rebecca Hamilton In Your Writing Life?

  1. Exciting news, guys! Things are changing and growing on Rebecca’s end as we speak. Once her new, improved website is up and going, I’ll link to it as well! ^_^


  2. Also, I feel it’s important to note that these prices are subject to change. This listing is for what price I paid for the courses when I took them. I tend to take her courses as soon as they come out, sometimes even when they’re being released as beta test courses. I get the best possible value for my money when that happens, so that’s something to keep in mind when you decide to look into taking some of her courses.


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